My experiencer with cat writing began with my story published in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul; All My Children Wear Fur Coats. Prior to the book release, I was asked by the publishers PR firm to create a social media presence for my cat writing. The rest, as they say, is history and my blog, Feline Opines, The World From A Feline Point of View was born!
Since it's inception, the blog and my cat writing has won multiple Muse Medallions and Certificates of Excellence by the Cat Writer's Association.
The first Felines Opine book was published in 2018, Felines Opine on God, A Devotional for Cat Lovers , the third book in the series was published in December 2020.
I am a contributing writer to Katzenworld and am currently working on a cozy mystery, Sit, Stay, Meow that features Alberto and Oliver from FelineOpines. was born. This blog was awarded a certificate of excellence and a Muse Medallion award by the Cat Writer's Association at the 2018 conference.